It will be worth the price of admission to
watch how NRA exec WAYNE LaPIERRE rolls over NBC's DAVID GREGORY on this
mornings edition of "Meet the Press." GREGORY will let LaPIERRE get away with
"murder" and will refuse to challenge him on his ridiculous idea of putting cops
in every school in America.
The "fiscal cliff"
is not the most important topic in the eyes of Americans, but you would never
know it by watching the hideous Sunday morning TV shows who want to devote
almost the whole time to the "fiscal cliff" and dump the massacre in Newtown
Conn. to a side-bar story even when polls indicate Americans are more interested
in what is going to be done about assault rifles than the "fiscal
Fox News trio of
Sunday morning slugs are already talking about the Benghazi, Libya attack that
ended up with 4 Americans dead, but refuse to mention to Sandy Hook school
slaughter that killed 20 young kids and 6 adults, and also how Bush and Cheney
lied us into a war with IRAQ that cost 4,700 young American
LaPIERRE will guest on NBC's "Meet the Press" only Sunday morning because he
know host DAVID GREGORY will give him the kid glove treatment and let the NRA
off the hook for in anyway being responsible for the slaughter in Newtown,
The "fiscal cliff"
is NOT the most important topic on the minds of American, but the massacre at
the Sandy Hook school is yet the four Sunday morning TV shows will devote almost
all their time discussing the "fiscal cliff" and ignore what Americans want to
hear about and that is what is the NRA going to do about assault rifles and ammo
that can fire 30 rounds in seconds.