Tuesday, January 22, 2013


BILL O'REILLY, SEAN HANNITY, GRETA VAN SUSTERN, NEIL CAVUTO and all of the FOX NEWS on-air hosts are so dumb they don't know that PRESIDENT OBAMA is saving his plans for the nation until he gives the State of the Union address later this month.

All day Monday, FOX NEWS on-air people were bitching about how President Obama's inaugural address was short on specifics.

The FOX NEWS on-air people are so stupid they don't realize President Obama is saving the details of his plans for the nation until he gives the State of Union address.

That is how it is done.

FOX NEWS gets away with the lies they tell because they know their audience comes from the low information people who haven't got a clue what is REALLY going on in the United States.

BILL O'REILLY went totally off the rails with his rant about how President Obama is leading the nation into a disaster.

How anyone can watch FOX NEWS and think they are getting the truth is beyond me.