Jodi Arias was a young, beautiful girl with a drop-dead figure when she met Travis Alexander, but she had dated a number of other guys before and each of them used her for sex and then dumped her. Jodi make the mistake of thinking the other men were her friends, but they all turned against her. She also made the mistake of thinking sex would translate into love, but none of the guys she dated and Travis Alexander had any thought of falling in love with her and certainly never getting married. In short, Jodi Arias became a punchboard for every guy who would use her and abuse her and then dump her. Now she could face the rest of her life in jail and may even be given the death penalty after the sentencing phase of her trial is completed Monday or earlier next week.
Jodi Arias has found out the hard way that all her so-called "friends" were only fair-weather friends and now when she needs more support than ever in her life, all of her so-called "friends" have abandoned her.