President Obama should go through all the spending Republicans in
the House and Senate approved for their districts or state and say he will
release the names of every Republican who loaded up a bill with pork barrel
projects for his district or state.
Obama should spell out what spending the Republicans slipped
through on the backs of other legislation for their districts or states.
Republicans are screaming their heads off wanting President Obama
to make cuts or revamp Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Politics isn't bean ball and President Obama has to get tough with
Republicans and let them know he will "out" every Republican who padded
legislation with pork barrel projects that make them look good to their
There are two ways to skin a cat, as the old bromide goes, and
Obama can take it a step further by pointing out how lobbyists padded the
coffers of certain Republican Congressman and Senators so they pushed through
spending for their districts or state.
Republicans not only want to shave Social Security, Medicare and
Medicaid, but they are furious about any spending cuts to the Department of
Defense which everyone knows is a bloated program loaded with wasteful
Harry S. Truman wouldn't have allowed Republicans to push him
around like they have been doing to President Obama.
He would have done what I'm suggesting and let the Republicans
scream bloody murder.
Bill Corcoran, Chicago.