Friday, November 16, 2012


For the record, I had a security clearance to handle classified material when I was in the U.S. Army from 1951 to 1953.

I was investigated by the FBI before the security clearance was issued to me. 

David Petraeus appeared Friday before the Congressional committee looking into what happened in Benghazi, Libya when four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, were killed.

Petraeus made it clear that the sensitive material on the Benghazi raid by terrorists aligned with Al Qaeda went through a checking process to make sure nothing in the material could be used to alert the group that conducted the raid and that U.S. intelligence agencies knew who they were, before the final unclassified material was given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

Rice subsequently only repeated what the CIA and other intel agencies approved before she appeared on 5 TV shows two months ago to explain what the White House knew at the time of her TV appearances.

There was nothing nefarious about what Ambassador Rice said or how the Obama White House had edited the "talking points" presented by Rice to the American public through her multiple appearance on Sunday morning TV political shows. 

Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsay Graham and many in the Republican Party are now left with egg on their faces in their rush to judgement when they didn't know all the facts until Petraeus set the record straight during the Congressional hearings on the Benghazi, Libya attack on September 11, 2012.

You can read the full accont here:


Ringo said...

There's maybe a "tinge" of racism involved on Sen. McCain's criticism on UN Ambassador Susan Rice being on President Obama's shortlist as the next Secretary of State. Remember, McCain chose a white-Anglo-Saxon idiot as his running mate during the 2008 US Presidential Elections.

Bill Corcoran said...

Ringo...I wouldn't rule that out, however McCain must forget how Karl Rove and the Bush team went after him in the South Carolina primary in 2000 and said his adopted black kid from Bangaldesh was actually a kid from an affair he had with a black woman. In any event, McCain is getting more senile everyday. Bill