Tuesday, June 22, 2010


General Stanley McChrystal, head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, has found himself in a world of trouble for remarks he made in Rolling Stone magazine about President Obama and his administration and the way they are conducting the Afghanistan war.

It is a foregone conclusion that FOX NEWS and RUSH LIMBAUGH will seize this opportunity to further blast President Obama and his lack of knowledge on military matters.

In our opinion, FOX NEWS and RUSH LIMBAUGH are the last people on earth who should express any opinion on this controversial matter.

You could count on one hand the number of people who work for FOX NEWS who have ever served in the military, and NONE of the networks prime time anchors have ever served a day in the uniform of this country.

Their opinion is totally worthless.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is another person who should keep his yap shut when it comes to commenting on the Obama/McChrystal dustup.

LIMBAUGH used a boil on his ass to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam War.

My tip to my blog readers is avoid at all costs watching FOX NEWS or listening to RUSH LIMBAUGH because what they have to say doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Comment by Bill Corcoran, editor, CORKSPHERE, Fmr. Cpl (E-4) United States Army Combat Engineers.

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