Saturday, August 2, 2008


Sen. Barack Obama is fighting many obstacles in his bid for President of the United States.

The media doesn't want to talk about "elephant in the room" but the polls suggest there is more racism in this country than anyone thought there was.

Why is it Obama is only a few points ahead, and in some states behind, McCain when the country is in the throes of a recession and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan still have not brought a reconciliation in Iraq and the Taliban is getting stronger in Afghanistan.

Race, or racism, is at the center of why Obama is not further ahead in the polls, but nobody will come right out and say it.

Rachel Maddow, the brilliant Air America and MSNBC contributor, has mentioned racism as the reason why Obama is not further ahead, but she is usually shouted down by the likes of Pat Buchanan and other right wingers who are oblivious to racism in the United States.

The Sen. John McCain campaign, which is now under the wing of former Swift Boat veterans who torpedoed John Kerry's bid for the White House in '04 with lies and more lies about Kerry's service in Vietnam, and Karl Rove, the master of dirty politics, has seized upon the "race card" and plan to use race to divide the country even more than the United States is already divided along racial lines.

The McCain campaign is a campaign designed to divide America and the formula they plan to use is to tap into all the "closet racists" or latent racists who are looking for any excuse NOT to vote for Barack Obama.

This video supports the Obama campaign and spells out how the Obama campaign plans to fight the negative and racist ads of the McCain campaign.

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