Tuesday, March 4, 2008


No story has caused more of on an outrage in the United States and all across the world as the video of a U.S. Marine throwing a puppy off a cliff in Iraq.
The video shows the Marine smiling after tossing the puppy off the cliff.

However, this type of behavior is not an isolated case and we have listed other videos of similar behavior toward dogs in the Iraq war zone by U.S. military personnel.

MSNBC news just ran this video with a warning to viewers about the graphic details. MSNBC also reported the Marine in the video is now stationed in Hawaii.

Smiling US Marine throws puppy off Iraq hill

By Bonnie Malkin
Last Updated: 12:30pm GMT 04/03/2008


The American army is investigating shocking footage of a grinning Marine throwing a yelping puppy into a gully in Iraq.

The clip, which has prompted fierce criticism of the military, appeared on video sharing site YouTube:


It showed two Marines dressed in combat gear, one holding the young dog by the scruff of its neck.

The dog, which looks about eight weeks old, is motionless.

"Cute little puppy, huh?", one Marine can be heard saying.

"Oh so cute, so cute little puppy," the other responds in a child-like voice.

The Marine holding the dog then turns and throws it into the ravine below. The animal can be heard yelping until it hits the ground.

A spokesman for the American military condemned the video as "shocking and deplorable" and said an investigation was underway into the incident.

Marine spokesman Major Chris Perrine said the culprit was believed to be based in Hawaii.
"We do not tolerate this type of behaviour and will take appropriate action," he said.

As the Marine investigation continues, there are already YouTube videos suggesting it was a fake:


Torture of dogs in the Iraq war zone is not an isolated case:


Here is another one



Anonymous said...

goddamn dickhead motherfucker,what a coward. its funny that when videos of cops and soldiers show them being assholes,someones always quick to say "it appears..." "is the video real?" "well,you cant judge it cuz you werent there"..but if a regular person is caught on video,the cops will use it against them without question. fuck this jarhead,i hope he gets killed by a terrorist. if people want this kind of armed forces,all pitiless and dickheaded,then they shouldnt start crying when people get sick of it and say fuck the u.s.

Bill Corcoran said...

I don't know if it real or not and that is why I added the one link that suggests it might be a fake.

Semper Fi21 said...

well were to start but if you dont like what i say then fuck off but anyway that pillow bitter should really just die it is stupid of him to make a video of it because once he get home i am sure that he will be eather dead or in the hospital. you never cross my fucking path because if you do i will beat you from an inch of you life by the way you lost my resect.

Semper Fi21 said...

ok that was my bf's thought heres mine.You call your self the few the proud the marines FUCK OFF YOUR a stuiped ass hole come on hello your subpost to be serveing our fucking country for those who can and you are FUCKING around THROWING a puppy HELLO how would you like it if i fucking threw your BABY or BRO or SIS oveer one and laughed YA REAL FUNNY SON OF A BITCH!!!! HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE!~!